Since last July, residents of Strawberry have tried many times, many ways to have the PDA designation removed from our community
We have:
– asked Supervisor Sears to a 300 person community meeting to explain why she has volunteered us, and overwhelmingly communicated our disapproval
– appeared 13 times before the Board of Supervisors requesting to be removed, or even just to have our request heard, which NO other community had to do
– appeared at the TAM board, as directed BY THIS BOARD, which NO other community had to do
– met in small groups with Supervisor Sears to make our position known
Most importantly, we have gathered over a thousand signatures, including almost half of the voters of Strawberry, on a petition that asks only that the Board of Supervisors remove Strawberry’s PDA designation.
The PDA designation is voluntary. We can debate the value of a PDA, or the risk of a PDA, or anything else about the PDA, but at the end of the day, it’s voluntary. And the residents of Strawberry – like San Rafael, Marinwood and TamAlmonte before them – don’t want a PDA designation on their community.
If Supervisor Sears wants Strawberry to be in a PDA, let her make the effort to come talk to her constituents in Strawberry and explain to us – with something other than “it’s complicated” – why we should be in a PDA.
Or let her start the “Yes PDA” petition to show us that the public support is broader than the 2 in favor of the PDA vs 1000 against count we’ve seen.
But until that time, we call on all the Supervisors, who are responsible to ALL the residents of Marin, to act on clearly expressed wishes of Strawberry residents.
– NOT the wishes of the bicycle coalition representatives who don’t live in Strawberry and apparently can’t be bothered to ride on or find the many existing bike paths through Strawberry;
– NOT the wishes of the affordable housing advocates who want to make it about affordable housing, rather than incentivized growth;
– NOT the Supervisor who is portraying a PDA as the only way we will see more than a $250k return to Strawberry on our $100M+/ year property taxes
Please act today to remove – COMPLETELY – the voluntary PDA designation from Strawberry, according to the wishes of the Strawberry community.